GI threaded fittings Supplier in Africa
G.I. threaded fittings, often referred to as galvanized iron threaded fittings, represent a category of pipe connectors employed for linking pipes and establishing threaded unions. These fittings are crafted from galvanized iron, a material wherein iron or steel is furnished with a shielding zinc layer.
The zinc coating provides excellent corrosion resistance, making G.I. threaded fittings in Africa suitable for various applications.
Benefits Of Using G.I. Threaded Fittings From The First-Rate Galvanized Iron Threaded Fittings Supplier In Africa
G.I. threaded fittings, distinguished by their zinc coating, deliver notable corrosion resistance, rendering them suitable for applications in corrosive environments or conditions where moisture exposure is a concern. Their reputation for strength and longevity is well-established. G.I. threaded fittings are well-prepared to handle high pressures and temperatures, ensuring reliable performance over an extended period. The installation of G.I. threaded fittings is a straightforward endeavor, typically requiring standard pipe wrenches or the application of thread sealants.
GI Threaded Fittings offer a balance between affordability and performance, making them a popular choice in many industries. Buy Now from Alkun Steel, a galvanized iron fitting supplier in Africa.
- Bending Radius =1 D, 2D, 3 D, 5D, 6D, 8 D, 10D
- Size Range : ½” NB to 24″ NB in Schedule 10s, 40s, 80s, 160s, XXS.
- Types :Welded | Seamless | Fabricated
- Process of Manufacturing: Push, Press, Cast, Forge.
- Thickness of Fitting: SCH10, SCH 20, SCH30, STD SCH40, SCH80, SCH60, XS, SCH100, SCH 120, SCH140, SCH 160, XXS available with NACE MR 01-75
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